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Common reasons for flexible cables

:2023-06-05 15:23:36

Flexible data cables, also known as flexible bus cables, are the same type of flexible cables used for data transmission. Generally, PUR and PETP materials are used as sheaths, which have excellent maintenance functions and excellent resistance and tolerance. And because it is often laid in the computer room, it has outstanding flame retardant function.



Flexible control cable is a common type of flexible cable. The so-called flexible control cable is mainly used to control the cable system of the drag chain. The sheath of flexible control cables mainly uses three materials: PVC, PUR, and PETP, among which PVC material is more common.


These three materials are all high-density materials that can effectively prevent cable wear. The characteristics of this cable are flame retardant, small bending radius, good PUR and PETE data and durability, and can withstand temperature and ultraviolet radiation. Flexible power cables are similar to flexible control cables.


In order to ensure that flexible cables do not wear during movement and maintain outstanding flexible functions, the sheath generally adopts rigid, flexible, and wear-resistant materials. This material has low viscosity, but has high hardness, good flexibility, toughness, and wear resistance, and can withstand the wear caused by movement well. However, it should be noted that we still need to reduce the resistance of flexible cables in daily use to reduce wear and prolong the service life of flexible cables.


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