:2023-06-06 13:14:49 :
Encoder shielding of signal lines usually requires consideration of many factors, such as speed, accuracy, environmental interference, etc. The following are some common encoder shielded signal wires:
1. A, B phase shielded twisted pair: The design of the encoder shielded signal line can effectively reduce interference, and is suitable for applications with high requirements.
2. A, B, Z phase shielded twisted pair: this encoder shielded signal line not only has the signal output of A, B phase, but also has the zero point signal of Z phase, which is widely used in the automatic control circuit with higher requirements.
3. Thin wire twisted shielded wire: This type of encoder shielded signal wire uses metal mesh shielding material and the structural design of thin wire twisted wire, which can ensure stable signal transmission quality and is suitable for small electronic devices.
4. High resolution multi turn encoder special stable shielding wire: This encoder shielding signal wire supports high-resolution multi turn encoders, with excellent stability and reliability, suitable for automation control fields that require high accuracy and anti-interference.
In summary, the specifications of the encoder shielding signal line need to be selected based on the actual usage environment and specific application requirements.