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H03VV-F European standard environmental protection cable jacket pure copper national standard

Conductor: 0.5mm2 to 2.5mm2

Insulation of conductors in accordance with EN 60228

Sheath: PVC


Conductor: 0.5mm2 to 2.5mm2

Insulation of conductors in accordance with EN 60228

Sheath: PVC

EN 50525-2-11 For thermoplastic (PVC) insulated and polyvinyl chloride sheathed flexible cables used to connect household appliances to fixed power sources.

EN 50525-2-11 For thermoplastic (PVC) insulated and polyvinyl chloride sheathed flexible cables used to connect household appliances to fixed power sources.

Rated voltage: h03vv-f:300/300V, h05vv-f:300/500V

Temperature limit: -20°C to +70°C

Minimum bending radius: 10 to 15 times of cable diameter

Should not be installed at temperatures lower than 0°C or higher than +40°C


张小姐 :18117128178

孙小姐 :19921460069

黄先生 :18939781351
