1,成品电缆导体(R类)直流电阻(符合GB3956规定) 2,采用混合高分子专用防水绝缘跟护套材料; 3,特种设计制造工艺; 4,20℃时绝缘电阻不小于50MQ/KM; 5,成品电缆经受交流50HZ3.5KV/5min电压试验不击穿。
1, Finished cable conductor (class R) DC resistance (in accordance with GB3956 regulations) 2, using mixed polymer special waterproof insulation and sheath material; 3, special design and manufacturing process; The insulation resistance at 4,20℃ is not less than 50MQ / KM;
5. The finished cable shall not be breakdown by AC 50HZ3.5KV/5min voltage test.
This product is a all-round special cable. Suitable for a variety of harsh field complex environment for use. Please ask for more details.
This product has radial and longitudinal waterproof, water resistance, pressure performance: can work normally in 0-500 m water depth conditions; both cold resistance (-50℃ -90℃), waterproof, flexibility, wear resistance, tensile resistance, pressure resistance, oil prevention, corrosion resistance and other special properties;
本产品具有径向与纵向防水、阻水、抗压性能∶可在0-500米水深条件下正常工作;兼具耐寒(-50℃-90℃)、防水、柔韧、耐磨、抗拉、抗压、防油、耐腐蚀等特殊性能; 本品是一种全能型的特种电缆.适合各种恶劣的野外复杂环境
This product has radial and longitudinal waterproof, water resistance, pressure performance: can work normally in 0-500 m water depth conditions; both cold resistance (-50℃ -90℃), waterproof, flexibility, wear resistance, tensile resistance, pressure resistance, oil prevention, corrosion resistance and other special